Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders

For NHPI infographics click here.


Spotlight: Asian American & Pacific Islander Poverty (2013)

National CAPACD (2013)

From 2007 to 2011, the number of AAPI poor increased by more than half a million, representing an increase of 38% (37% increase for AAs in poverty and a 60% increase for NHOPIs in poverty).

State of AAPIs:Demographics (2014)

Center for American Progress and AAPI Data (2014) Similarly, the Pacific Islander population has a fair amount of national origin concentration among the six largest groups, although the concentration is even greater for the largest group, Native Hawaiians, who make up 41 percent, of the Pacific Islander population.

State of AAPIs:Income and Poverty (2014)

Center for American Progress and AAPI Data (2014) Pacific Islanders had median household incomes that were slightly below those among whites, averaging about $55,000 from 2008 to 2012.

A Community of Contrasts: South (2014)

Asian American Center for Advancing Justice (2014)

Among NHPI, Guamanian or Chamorro Americans (45%) have homeownership rates similar to Latinos (44%); Native Hawaiians (52%) have homeownership rates similar to Blacks or African Americans (51%).

The Economic Status of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (2016)

U.S. Department of Labor (2016)

Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, Filipino, and Indian communities have the highest labor force participation rates – all above 65 percent.

Facts & Stats Report: Domestic Violence in Asian & Pacific Islander Homes (2015)

Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence (2015) 19.6% of Asian or Pacific Islander women reported experiencing rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime whereas 46.0% of American Indians or Alaska Native women, 43.7% of Black women, 37.1% of Hispanic women, and 34.6% of White women did.

Sexual Violence Against Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Women (2011)

API Institute for Domestic Violence (2011) Excessive restrictions designed to control female sexuality are used to label women's sexual expressions as transgressions, to justify victim-blaming, and to mask the high prevalence and incidence of sexual violence.

State of AAPIs: Language Diversity and English Proficiency (2014)

Center for American Progress and AAPI Data (2014) Among NHPI groups, linguistic isolation is highest among Micronesians (27 percent for those who are not Guamanian/Chomorro) and household linguistic isolation is lowest among the Native Hawaiian population.

Teen Pregnancy among Asians and Pacific Islanders in California (2001)

UCSF Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health (2001)

This report presents analysis on teen pregnancy among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in California and provides policy recommendations for consideration.

State of AAPIs: Labor-Market Outcomes (2014)

Center for American Progress and AAPI Data (2014) Pacific Islanders have a labor-force participation rate that is higher than the national average for both men and women, they have the highest rates of women's labor-force participation of any racial group at 67 percent..

State of AAPIs: Education (2014)

Center for American Progress and AAPI Data (2014) Tongans and Samoans have a lower proportion of adults who have completed high school, while Guamanians/Chamorros and Native Hawaiians have the highest proportion of adults with a bachelor's degree or higher—17 percent and 16 percent, respectively.

APALC Report on California (2013)

APALC Report on California (2013) The state's fastest-growing NHPI ethnic groups were Fijian and Tongan Americans; Fijian Americans increased by 138% in the past decade, while Tongan Americans grew 50%.

A Community of Contrasts: Midwest (2012)

Asian American Center for Advancing Justice (2012)

Among NHPI ethnic groups, a majority of Native Hawaiian Americans (67%) are multiracial. Approximately 49% of Samoan and 44% of Tongan Americans are of more than one race.

State of AAPIs:Demographics (2014)

Center for American Progress and AAPI Data (2014) the Pacifc Islander population has a fair amount of national origin concentration among the six largest groups, although the concentration is even greater for the largest group, Native Hawaiians, who make up 41 percent, of the Pacific Islander population.

State of AAPIs:Consumer Power and Business Ownership (2014)

Center for American Progress and AAPI Data (2014) An important but overlooked aspect of Asian American and Pacific Islander, or AAPI, communities is their presence in the marketplace as both consumers and as business owners.

A Community of Contrasts: South (2014)

Asian American Center for Advancing Justice (2014)

A Community of Contrasts: Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the Midwest compiles the latest data on Asian Americans and NHPIs in the South.

A Community of Contrasts: West (2014)

Asian American Center for Advancing Justice (2014)

A Community of Contrasts: Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the Midwest compiles the latest data on Asian Americans and NHPIs in the West.